Learn basic research computing skills so you can do your work in less time and with less pain
This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including programme design, version control, data management and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and apply what they have learned to their own research problems.
Who should attend and Requirements
he workshop is aimed at graduate students and other researchers. You don’t need any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented at the workshop.
You will need access to a computer with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) and administrative privileges. You will need to install a few specific software packages – view these here: http://bit.ly/3puTC9K. You also need access to Zoom and Internet connectivity.
How to apply
Click HERE to complete and submit your Application Form by 19 July. Successful applicants will be notified on 20 July 2023.
For more information, please email rene.kotze@nithecs.ac.za.